Wednesday 15 April 2009


Well it's just gone 8pm and I've been sitting here all day trying to write an essay. I think my word count is at around 200, so you can see why I've named this post 'Procrastination'.

I don't even know what I've done with the day! Twitter and Facebook are big factors, and I've had a couple of goes at writing this too. Ah well, I'll get it done eventually.

I haven't written here since January I think, decided to come back because I've been reading a few people's blogs that I follow on Twitter. They all seem to be pretty interesting so I thought I'd come back and post another entry. I really enjoy using Twitter at the moment, it's interesting to see what people are up to during the day, what thoughts people have on things I'm interested in, and seeing what people like Stephen Fry and Chris Moyles are up to. Celebrity use of Twitter is increasing. The majority of people I follow are in the public eye for one reason or another. I wonder what it is that attracts celebs to Twitter?

I know I'm going to be sitting here for a long time yet, I have a deadline to meet for tomorrow and my word count is no where near at the limit of 3500. I hate essays with a passion. It takes so long to get all the information I need, then I have to read it all, choose the good stuff, write a plan, a draft, a second draft, endless proof reading and finally comes handing it in! I wish uni just consisted of exams and no coursework. I can't wait for summer.

Speaking of summer, it starts in less than 6 weeks for me! I only have two or three weeks left of classes, one more deadline after this for the 30th, then two weeks of revision before my three exams. It's all over on the 23rd May, which is fantastic as it means I'll be all finished by the time Mum gets home from Kenya.

She's been there for almost 7 weeks now, helping my Aunty moving from a suburb outside of Nairobi, to Mombasa at the coast. From the way she describes it, I imagine her somewhere in California, by the beach. She makes it sound so luxurious. I bet it is as well. Can't wait to see the photos. She gets home on the 26th May so I'll be able to see them then!

I really should get back to writing this stupid bloody essay. No doubt I'll find something else more interesting to do before I finally get down to it sometime in the wee small hours!


Tuesday 27 January 2009

A fifth of the way there...

Well, I said I wanted to see all five of the 'Best Film' Oscar nominees before the ceremony in February, and I'm a fifth of the way there! Went to see 'Slumdog Millionaire' last night. It's the best film I've seen in 2009 so far, and although I've only been to the cinema 4 or 5 times this year, it's the best one I've seen. I didn't know anything about the film before I saw it, so was quite curious of what it was going to be like.
I'm not going to write a full review of it (because I can't) but I'm just going to say, go and see it. I really enjoyed it. The indian children in the film are just beautiful! So talented! Dev Patel gave a brilliant performance also, was really impressed. But anyway, it's brilliant, so go and see it.

I've also been quite bored recently. I have to get back to uni or I may fade away!

Oooh, dinner is here.


Friday 16 January 2009


I've quite enjoyed this month so far. Well, I've enjoyed certain events that have occurred this month, the month itself is always going to be one you want to forget, isn't it? It's always too cold, no one has any money after spending it all over Christmas and there's never really anything exciting going on.

Except for the awards season starting! I love the awards. BAFTAs, Golden Globes and the Oscars a month or so later. I love it. I always want to watch the films nominated for best film, but I never ever get round to it! Hopefully this will be the year. I've been to the cinema a number of times this month already, so if I keep it up it may happen! I've always really loved film, and watch a movie over and over again until I know it inside out and upside down if I love it. Sometimes I really like a movie and think it's brilliant, but I'll never watch it again because it just didn't capture me.
Mamma Mia for example. I watched it for the first time just today. The scenery is awesome, Meryl Streep and Julie Walters are fantastic, the music is undoubtedly genius, and yet it just didn't do anything for me. I was disappointed by that actually. I have wanted to see that movie for SO long, and for me not to love it was gutting.

Also, I can't quite believe it has been almost a year since Heath Ledger tragically died. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news. It was one of my first nights alone in my new flat and I was settling down on the couch with a glass of wine to watch 'Film 2008' and the voice over woman made the announcement that the show had been recorded before the news broke that Heath Ledger had died. I was in absolute shock! I thought she must be totally mistaken and it wasn't right, but obviously it wasn't.
His nomination for Best Actor at the BAFTAs is well deserved as was his win at the Golden Globes for Best Supporting Actor in his role as The Joker in 'The Dark Knight'. I'm just hoping he is nominated for an Oscar and wins it. I would be saying this if he was still alive and I truely believe he absolutely deserves to win all three awards. That performance was outstanding. The best thing about the movie was The Joker. It's just such an awful shame that he wasn't around to see how much credit he has recieved as a result of that performance.

Anyway, what else has been going on this month?

Well, I've been spending a lot of time with friends from work this month, and it's great! I've loved getting to know them all better the past few months, and now I can really call them close friends. Dinner, going out, cinema, it's nice even just to get out of the house to do something but when I'm meeting them I always know I'm going to have a good time. Thanks guys!!

I've started cooking and baking more. I love baking Victoria Sponges. I must have baked around 20 by now, and each time it gets better and better. Cooking is great too. Recently cooked a chicken korma, and my my it was scrumptious! Taken from Jamie Oliver's Ministry of Food cook book, there were so many flavours scurrying around in my mouth it was hard to put my fork down! My next mission is the chili con carne!!

Well, that's my month so far. Nothing special, as I said in my last post, but still really good fun. Watch this space for the next post very soon!!


Thursday 1 January 2009


2008 was pretty good, looking back on it. Nothing much happened, it was pretty uneventful, but I enjoyed it greatly.

I moved out of home.

I moved back home 9 months later.

The 9 months I was in the flat I love love loved it.

I completed first year of uni. (A big thing for me as I'd started first year in 2006 at another uni and quit 6 months in.)

I started 2nd year of uni. (And hopefully have passed all exams from semester 3 - expecting results this week!)

I learned the meaning of money (being poor and paying bills and rent every month is very hard while you're a student!)

I travelled eastern Europe for 16 days in June (Probably the best experience of my life).

I went paintballing for the first time in my life. It was quite sore actually. But hell it was fun!

I joined a gym and never went. This is a resolution of mine - to start going to the gym in 2009. It hasn't happened as yet.

I turned 20. I am no longer a teenager, and quite glad about it really. It feels like I don't have to act all crazy anymore. I can be boring if I want to be.

I found a new love for Julie Andrews. She is awesome.

I went to a casino and came home with £180 without spending any money whatsoever!

I don't remember any other big happenings from 2008. There will be plenty more, I just can't think of them.

I don't really have high expectations from 2009. There are a few things going on I'm really looking forward to, but I don't expect it to be a brilliant year. Just another year at uni, another year at Topshop, all great fun! It'll be good, but not great.